Arrival the story of your life
Arrival the story of your life

Her Issue of Falsehood and Concern of Memories draw us into the narrative as part of her Main Character Throughline. But now I’m not so sure I believe in beginnings and endings." I used to think this was the beginning of your story. Linguist Louise (Amy Adams) begins the story confronted with memories and images of a distant past. In part, the story of Arrival is the story of Dramatica-a holistic "non-linear" approach to resolving issues that long plagued a traditional linear methodology. Related: Here are 19 more movies you should see this month.The one thing that sets the Dramatica theory of story apart from every other understanding of story is its ability to know both the ending and beginning of your story no matter where you physically start the process of writing a story. So, see Arrival, if only to consider these paradoxes for its 116 minute run. And it’s something we have to deal with nonetheless. Like the aliens, the conversation around moral motherhood is something our society is, frankly, unprepared to face. But philosophy is kind of confusing, life is kind of confusing, morality is kind of confusing.

#Arrival the story of your life movie

Some of this may be attributed to the fact that, well, the movie is kind of confusing. Not from the aliens, not from the writers. Do exactly what you choose-and do it well. In that way, the film makes the case for embracing choice. She loves her daughter Hannah is wanted the way we wish all children were wanted by their parents. Louise is not unhappy with her decision, for the most part. Have the baby and treasure the moments you do have, the film says. Donnelly is wrong to suggest Banks made the wrong choice. It seems to have an underlying pro-life message, not in an antifeminist way but in a pro-living, pro-people, pro-heartbreak, pro-humanity kind of way. I’m still parsing what, exactly, the politics of this film are. She had to live exactly as long as she did. In the film, Hannah's sick, and Banks calls the sickness “unstoppable.” She had to die. In the story, the daughter dies in an accident, the kind of thing that’s impossible to predict but, if you somehow knew it was going to happen, easy to prevent. Maybe it was all laid out beforehand, and Louise was helpless to change them.Īrrival is based on the short story “Story of Your Life” by Ted Chiang. Then again, maybe these choices weren’t choices at all. Maybe it was wrong to let him grow attached to his child, only to tell him he would soon lose her. They could have made that decision together. But if we knew in advance that our child would have an especially hard time, an especially short life, and an especially bad end, would it be better to stop before you start? Not do it in the first place? And what if you know, but your partner doesn't? Maybe Louise should have told Ian before she got pregnant how she foresaw Hannah’s life. Parents outlive their children all the time. But is it right to bring someone into the world just to suffer? Everyone has hardships everyone dies. Still, Hannah is given a relatively normal childhood despite the very sad ending. Hannah's healthy years outnumber her sick ones, and because Louise knows what’s going to happen, she's particularly careful to savor every moment they have together. In snippets, we see that she’s a loving mother, and Hannah a happy kid. Then again, maybe she should have kept what she knew to herself and allowed the family to be happy while they could. If it’s the woman’s choice, and only her choice, is it also only her responsibility? Does Ian even get to tell Louise what she did was wrong? She’s the prescient one, so it seems like maybe she’s meant to be in charge. But in many cases of unplanned pregnancy, it was no one’s idea. In this case, Ian was the one who suggested starting a family. We need to talk about what men owe to the women who bear their children.

Arrival the story of your life